--receive midi from an instance of vstlua running net-send.lua local socket = require("socket") host = "" port = 7 --create the udp object vprint("Binding to host '" ..host.. "' and port " ..port.. "...") udp = socket.udp() success, msg = udp:setsockname(host, port) if not success then vprint(msg) end ip, port = udp:getsockname() networkReceiveLoop(udp) function networkReceiveCb(dgram, addr, port) --parse the packet if dgram then msg = fromOSC(dgram) if msg[1]=='/midi/cc' then cc = msg[2][1] value = msg[2][2] channel = msg[2][3] vprint(cc..":"..value.."\n") event = setCC(cc, value, channel) sendMidi(event) end end return 1 -- this is required to keep this callback being called. returning zero or nil will end the receive loop end function resetCb() --clean up udp:close() end